Https on tailnet? to – 21 points –

What's the easiest way to get https while still using my given tailnet as domain for accessing stuff? The tailscale documentation suggest to download certs to the server and point each service to those certs, but that seems like more work than it should..?

Is a reverse proxy the best option? Or what do people who use tailscale as vpn for their devices use?

I need to point certain services out and accessible to family members, will do this through funnel feature in tailscale, but want https set up before pointing anything out.

Appriciate any suggestions ✨


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Tailscalar here. Use tailscale serve. It is a reverse proxy inside tailscaled. It will handle HTTPS certificates for you too. As an example, here's a sample HTTP server proxied to both my tailnet via tailscale serve and to the world with Funnel.

Also as far as I know you need to use Serve in order to use Funnel.

This does seem like the easiest option so far, i'll try to play around with this, thanks!

No prob! If you run into any problems, feel free to DM me or /u/ We're more than happy to help.