RFK Jr. launches independent bid for president, leaving Democratic race against Biden

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 114 points –
RFK Jr. launches independent bid for president, leaving Democratic race against Biden

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Nah. He’s now a spoiler candidate. Can’t win, but can shave off Biden’s votes for Trump.

Nader 2000.

I, personally, don't know any democrats who would vote for RFK over Biden. To me, it seems more likely that he'd split the Republican vote.

The worry isn’t with the highly or moderately informed voter block, it’s with the people who pay little to no attention to politics, yet still vote. Those are the people that are more likely to vote for a family name with a positive brand - which “Kennedy” is.

Yeah the only people saying anything positive about him are republicans

Thankfully, polling has suggested that he's actually more popular with Republican voters than Democrat, so we might get a reverse-Nader.

gore won 2000. blame the supreme court, not nader.

Bigger margins leave you less vulnerable to fuckery by corrupt election officials and judges.

Fact of the matter is, if Nader wasn’t on the ballot in 2000, Gore would’ve like had a healthy margin. He had almost 100,000 votes, and Gore only needed several hundred.

Fact of the matter is, if Nader wasn’t on the ballot in 2000, Gore would’ve like had a healthy margin

you can't prove that.

Nope, but you’d have to be fooling yourself if you thought, the people at the Nader rallies were down with Bush. If Nader wasn’t on the ballot, those votes were going to be Gore, people who declined state, or people writing in candidates out of protest.

Gore needed less than 1% of Naders voters. The odds would’ve have clearly been in his favor.

you can't prove a counter factual. In a world where Nader isn't on the ballot, you don't know who the dem nominee was either.