So wholsum 🙏🙏🙏locked

u/ to Lemmy – 1258 points –

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I'm not sure if I'm allergic to Prawns or not, though. Ditto with crab. I have one of those "don't mess with it"-tier allergies with Lobster, so I avoid everything that has the same lobster deliciousness.

But yeah. I tend to focus on the Scallop more (no sauce) because a good scallop has a very delicate flavor. My favorite way to eat it is a little butter and some cracker crumb crust. I mean, I LOVE a good authentic carbonara enough that I learned to make my own pasta and cook it. But I don't think I could bring myself to put scallops in it. Maybe scallops for lunch and carbonara for dinner!

You do carbonara with homemade pasta that sounds awesome I'll have to look into making it sometime

Just be careful. Proper carbonara (all egg, no cream) with home-made egg pasta gets INCREDIBLY rich. It's definitely one of those "small plate" things at that point unless you want to brick-belly.

Which, sometimes, is alright. But the other times, I'll use flour+water pasta, which is definitely not as big a jump up from dry as fresh egg pasta, but it's still worth the extra steps.