What is the Israel thing going on?
seems like the 'safe' public opinion is 'we stand behind israel' and the left opinion is palestinian support
i don't live there i don't have any particular interest or fascination with the region i don't understand any of this pls don't yell at me
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He moved the US embassy, not Israel’s capital. I’m sure he would have loved that much direct power over a nation-state, though. Also yeah, a dick move.
Incorrect https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2017-12-11/pdf/2017-26832.pdf#page=1
Recognized != Moved
I guess that's debatable. Given that Israel itself came into existence when the US and UK recognized it as a state, I consider recognizing Jerusalem as the capital the same thing as moving it from Tel Aviv, but maybe that's misleading because it ignores nuance.