How should the US respond to the Israel-Palestine crisis? to World – 32 points –
How should the US respond to the Israel-Palestine crisis? Our panel weighs in | Panelists


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They? We have done plenty to start that fire in the hopes of stealing oil.

It's so weird to me that people still think the Iraq War was about oil lol

That argument didn't have legs to stand on in 2002 and it sure as shit wasn't helped by the passage of time.

Oil factored in, but a large part of the driver was war profiteering, and then the boundless opportunities after war.

And feeding the military complex in general.


That "fire" was started long before the US was even stolen from the indigenous people.

The time period you’re referring to was during the multiple centuries of stable ottoman rule. The current fire was caused by western powers drawing borders and breaking promises in the aftermath of WWI.