Israel says no exceptions to Gaza siege unless hostages freed to World – 181 points –
Israel says no exceptions to Gaza siege unless hostages freed

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You’ve been brainwashed. You have no understanding of the history of this conflict. I’ll let Richard Boyd Barret explain it. Don’t bother shopping for shoes, you have no legs to stand on.

Thanks for the link, all respects to Mr. Barret but he is wrong.

"[Israel is saying that] they intend to starve the people of Gaza of food, electricity, water. That is a war crime under the 4th geneva convention."

Lol. I’m gonna let you cook for a week and see if you feel the same way.

  1. The first article is about Egypt allowing aid despite Israel committing a war crime .
  2. They don’t have to occupy when they can just settle
  3. Who mentioned a flotilla?

If you still feel the same way after the bombings, you might want to start gathering wooden rods… for a bundle, and don’t forget the axe.