Blogpost: Actually Good Distro Recomendations for Beginners to – 53 points –

I grew tired of shitty "Top 10 Linux distros in ${CURRENT_YEAR}" articles so I wrote a blogpost, that I would personally consider helpful when I was starting out, so I can simply link it to people when they ask my opinion on a beginner distro.

Objective criticism is welcome and encouraged.

EDIT: there is a second post which I deleted and then made this one because I wanted to change the title, it did not get deleted for some reason but I cannot access it or interact with it, I guess I found a bug in lemmy :)


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Manjaro KDE would be my pick based on my personal experience.

I specifically mentioned Manjaro as not recommended because of all the silly stuff they did. It will most probably not break on you, but forgetting to renew your SSL certificate like 4 times in a row does not really instill confidence.

100%. If this article is intended for beginners to Linux, Manjaro is the only option I'd recommend. (I like Xfce, but whatever.)