FYI: You all know (instance) is consistently failing to send to other instances, right?locked to No Stupid – 31 points –

Just in case anyone is using their account here to post to off-instance communities: those posts and comments seem to have a very high failure rate. There is a lot of activity and accounts on this instance. This is to raise awareness, not to pull people away or break up the lemmyverse. Quite the opposite really: there is a technical problem on this instance that might be preventing the lemmyverse from functioning as it should.


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What do you think is causing the failures? How are you seeing the fact that it's failing?

Like you mentioned afterward. Comments and posts just plain failing to land on any other instance. Also I run an instance for testing and can see incoming connections. fails at a protocol level, not at the application level. It's a, IMHO, bandwidth issue. Hopefully the admin is aware and wants to fix it. I'd say he has a responsibility, but he doesn't. lol.