Protesters in US capital warn of Israeli 'genocide' in besieged Gaza to World – 380 points –
Protesters in US capital warn of Israeli 'genocide' in besieged Gaza


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Israel definitely could have treated palastinians better, but not in matters of land... Israel didn't force them out of their land. It was founded legally and went on to win territory in wars in which it was the defender and offered innocents to stay and gain citizenship.

Later on, the palastinians didn't agree to several 2 state proposals which Israel did agree to, thus relinquishing again the keys to their own future.

Israel invested and invests into their infrastructure, which they don't manage well usually, like the water treatment plans Israel transfered to them when exiting Gaza.

Afghanistan's story is not the same as that of Hamas and will not end the same, I hope as many innocent people of either side come out on top and have a chance at a peaceful future, with Hamas buried and gone.

Gaza and Israel could normallize relations and Gaza could prosper.

Israel didn't force them out of their land. It was founded legally and went on to win territory in wars

The sheer amount of mental gymnastics here is astounding.

Later on, the palastinians didn't agree to several 2 state proposals which Israel did agree to

I wonder why 🤔🤔🤔

Context you seem to leave out is wars of defense.

-military measures or resources for protecting a country.
"the minister of defence"
-fortifications or barriers against attack.
"coastal defences"

i don't see anything about defence with winning territory.