Blogpost: Actually Good Distro Recomendations for Beginners to – 53 points –

I grew tired of shitty "Top 10 Linux distros in ${CURRENT_YEAR}" articles so I wrote a blogpost, that I would personally consider helpful when I was starting out, so I can simply link it to people when they ask my opinion on a beginner distro.

Objective criticism is welcome and encouraged.

EDIT: there is a second post which I deleted and then made this one because I wanted to change the title, it did not get deleted for some reason but I cannot access it or interact with it, I guess I found a bug in lemmy :)


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I love Fedora but since they are no longer shipping the most popular media codecs on install I can't recommend them for beginners. I myself was a bit blindsided by this when wanted to start watching a movie with family and had to scramble to download the codecs 😅

Afaik no distros ship those codecs by default now, they might prompt you to download them during the installation. Fedora was just the first to notice that "oopsie we are violating a license" and others followed soon after.

Ah, that's interesting. I haven't had that problem yet on other distros but now I'll keep my eye out for it. Pretty annoying if that's case tho :/