Biden Warns Israel Not to Occupy Gaza to – 664 points –
Biden Warns Israel Not to Occupy Gaza

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"Yeah sure, I will stop killing you and give you your own country, all you have to do is lay down all your weapons..."

Bro it's been happening over and over for the last 30 years, with Islamists fighting the peace process:

Fact is, Israel is the only country actually trying to create the first ever Palestinian state, and that includes "Palestine"

You can debate opinions all you want but history is history.

Imagine being this fucking stupid that you think Israeli propaganda is true.

Ah yes the most famous Israeli propaganda of all, well-documented historical facts

Imagine unironically believing that. LMAO.

That's literally the history.

You're delusional.

It's really not hard to look any of this up. All you have to do is choose to be correct rather than happy.

Israel committed, is committing, and will continue to commit war crimes, while people like you will support it.

People like you make me sick. 🤢

I don't care what makes you sick

Your certainly don't care about Israel committing war crimes either.

In that I don't believe they're committing war crimes, sure