Is there a safe way to run multiple desktop environments on Ubuntu 22.04? to – 34 points –

I have tried it on several distros before and it always causes problems because you get a million more packages intermingled with your already installed packages and sometimes you get conflicts or whatever. But it usually messes up my system. is there a safe way to have several desktops installed? or do you pretty much install a new one then remove the old one? thanks


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One word: Timeshift

Yup. Ive heard timeshift is good. Now i just gotta actually use it.

Hows the experience with timeshift been when youve used it? Pretty easy to restore from?

Pretty easy, and it's saved my bacon a handful of times. Most recently I restored from command line because I borked my display driver (legacy Nvidia user).

Aside from that instance, everything else was done through the GUI.