Israel-Palestine war: Israel set to ban Al Jazeera after attorney general approval to World – 183 points –
Israel set to ban Al Jazeera after attorney general approval

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So, why don’t they show these pictures to the world?

Decency? I don't know that of course, I'm not saying that I'm sure about this, but not releasing photos of people that are too undignified or drastic is a relatively common policy.

Do you by any chance happen to have believed the US lies about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, which the US lied about to invade Iraq, and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians?

I'm not from the US and I was not yet following US/international politics at that time. Also none of the people I talked about were americans ("our" ambassador being czech, a journalist-editor from France also confirmed seeing the photos), so I don't see it as particularly relevant anyway.

Oh, so Israel has images proving that Hamas beheaded babies, which is like, literally the worst thing in the world, but they just decided not to release to show the world for some reason, and you genuinely believe that? You just can't sense something weird in that at all?

By how much is it worse than burned babies, which were released?

Plus, notice that I said it's plausible, not that I believe one version or the other. And, again, even if we say that it was a lie and therefora a fuck up and journos did not sufficiently crosscheck the validity and several people who claim to have seen the photos are lying even if it could cost their careers, in the light of the colossal fuckup with the hospital parking lot bombing that endangered diplomatic ties with several countries and started protests in the streets of several countries, this was relatively minor and pretty well handled.

No, spreading lies about Hamas beheading babies to dehumanize Palestinians and justify the war crimes Israel is committing against them is not "relatively minor and pretty well handled".

Spreading "lies" requires intent. Like what Hamas did with the hospital parking lot. With the babies all context points to a professional screw up at best. And there was no screw up or lying required to create justification for Israel's behavior, slaughtering hundreds of civilians including babies and likely torturing them was enough.

What makes it a screw up instead of an intended lie?

"Yeah there were no actual beheaded babies, but that wasn't a lie, that was just a screw up!"

What kind of mental gymnastics do you play to look at it this way?

First news from Israeli forensics institute are out, seems like it was not a lie at all:

Kugel also explained that the age range of the victims spans from 3 months to 80 or 90 years old. Many bodies, including those of babies, are without heads.

Asked if they were decapitated, Kugel answered yes. Although he admits that, given the circumstances, it’s difficult to ascertain whether they were decapitated before or after death, as well as how they were beheaded, “whether cut off by knife or blown off by RPG,” he explained.