How young Argentines might put a far-right libertarian into power to World – 150 points –
How young — yes, young — Argentines might put a far-right libertarian into power

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It wasn't always.

It was a left wing ideology until an American fascist co-opted the term for his own brand of rightwing nonsense.

I can't really see Ayn Rand as anything other than far right, and that's about as OG libertarian as you get. Free market, unfettered capitalism.

She's only OG if you disregard the fifty some odd years of the word libertarian referring to anarchists like Emma Goldman. Back before Murray Rothbard hijacked the term.

At this point I kind of agree that it's pointless to argue about it as the word's connotations have already changed.

But again the Ayn Rand as a Libertarian is still viewing the word through the altered meaning that rose to prominence in the US. Previous to that change it indeed was a wing of anarchism, a left-wing ideology.

Not really. It's fairly libertarian for sure, but she was a war hawk and in favor of IP laws.

The word libertarian was used to mean something more leftist before that term was claimed by the modern America right wing libertarian movement, but that movement was never anything but a catspaw for right wing oligarchs.