[Question] Display Management on tiling wm

questionAsker@lemmy.ml to Linux@lemmy.ml – 19 points –

BSPWM, laptop has 1920x1080 resolution, external screen has 1680x1050. xrandr --output DP-1 1680x1050 cuts image, if I change resolution to 1920x1080, I get "full" image, but quality is just bad. I have another machine with XFCE, it's display utility does the trick and I wonder can I achieve smth similar on BSPWM with some simple console command?


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Sir, you are magician, addition to script did the trick!

Will definitely play with autorandr, because if I understood you correctly, it can automatically reload bspwm listening to certain events.

Right now I'm trying master (or understand, at least) QEMU, can you recommend me some combination with sane defaults (for ex mint + installer for herb) I can play on vm?

Thank you!

Defaults for herbstluftwm? Sure, but what'd be helpful if to translate a bspwm config. Are you using sxhkd?

I can't help with VM stuff; I'm not experienced with them.

Post your bspwm and sxhkd configs.


It's easy way to learn things without fear to break something, can herbstluftwm use sxhkd?

Easily but why?