Masked Counter-Protester Arrested After Stopping, Shooting At ‘Free Palestine Rally and March’ in Eugene to politics – 358 points –
PHOTOS: Masked Counter-Protester Arrested After Stopping, Shooting At ‘Free Palestine Rally and March’ in Eugene

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"Counter-Protester" is a weird way to spell "Terrorist".

Right. A counter protestor would be holding a sign, not aiming a gun. This wasn't "counter protesting" in any sense of the word.

Article claimed he was flying flags from his truck. I would argue that "flying flags" is reasonably comparable to "holding a sign". "Counter protester" seems an apt description.

Article further claims he didn't "aim a gun" until after his truck was attacked with him inside. That "gun" was quickly determined to be an air gun.

In apparent support of this label, his own YouTube channel describes him as a "domestic terrorist".

When they tell you what they are, believe them the first time

I'm looking at you, theocratic fascist Matt Walsh

JFC, he's one of those Humboldt County right wing fascist hippies. (Not joking)

And yes, he has multiple videos titled "diaries of a domestic terrorist"... Going back 14 years.

News organizations have started calling right wing domestic terrorists "conservative activists" now.

Yeah. It’s funny how the terrorists always accuse “mainstream media” of lies, while the same mainstream media seems to protect them by downplaying their hate crimes.