after questioning for the first time, did you ever question your sexuality again? to – 11 points –

I'm pretty sure im bi and have identified as bi but am starting to question if im actually bi. Not really sure how I can prove that I'm actually bi to myself


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That's no problem, don't be sorry. I just don't have good advice to give on such topics. On such serious topics my advice might be more harmful than helpful

At least things are getting better. Before last weekend I'd spend my days crying in my room. It feels wrong that I'm distracting myself but at least I'm not as perpetually sad now.

I just worry that by watching porn I'm being unloyal to him

That's nice. Don't be too harsh on yourself

I just feel like I'm not good enough. Is it wrong to look at that stuff while in a relationship? I don't want to hurt him

Have you two ever discussed mastubation and porn? I am very much not qualified to talk about relationships. My thoughts about it would be that there is nothing to be hurt by and that it's normal to have sexual disires

Regarding porn Yes we have but before we made things offical. I should put more effort into quitting tho

As for mastrubation we would both do it together. Its a long distance thing so that's what we would do.

If you think it's too unhealthy try to find other things to do instead. You might wanna do that anyway. Coping is healthy to a degree, but if you can't bear it, I would recommend talking to someone who's a professional or has bright views on things. I don't ever do that either, but it really helps

I have been speaking to a professional and things are slightly better now. Thank you for listening