Kick tankies out of 196 to – 1514 points –

Remember kids, Tankies wants to undermine democracy - same as facists.


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Sure, nazis are a bigger problem than tankies, but no one here needs to be told to look out for nazis. That's kinda self explanatory.

But tankies are a lot less well known, but still have a very destructive ideology. Just look at the comments here — there are multiple people who asked what tankies even are.

Saying "Kick nazis out of 196" would be redundant, which can't be said for "Kick tankies out of 196".

The only issue is that I'll see perfectly logical socialist, communist or anarchist arguments get attacked as "tankie" and I worry that all this hullabaloo is just rightists trying to set back leftist ideology by painting it all as tankie ideology.

I can attest to this. I've been called a tankie (on this subreddit, too) for politely asking someone not to call people the R-word.