Kick tankies out of 196 to – 1514 points –

Remember kids, Tankies wants to undermine democracy - same as facists.


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Not all attraction to enbies or fat people is objectifying, but some of it definitely is, and your reddit “pm me your tits”-style username comes across that way. And no one scrolling lemmy is going to hear your explanation of who you are and what you mean, they’re just going to see the comment and username right in front of them.

But I don't think my fellow fat enbies are going to be offended, because I'm a fat enby who's actually active in the community. And I don't think you are. I don't care what straight people think of us.

You’re trying to dismiss the criticism by ingroup-outgrouping me. I’m not straight, I’m fucking pan, and numerically speaking I doubt most of the thousands of queer people on here know who you are or the intent of your username.

I’ve said my piece here and in our 1:1 conversation, and the more we talk the more you’ll probably dig your heels in. You got feedback from one person and a few upvoters. Take it or leave it.