Red Hat’s commitment to open source: A response to the changes to – 9 points –
Red Hat’s commitment to open source: A response to the changes

More about Red Hat's decision to make CentOS Stream the primary repository for RHEL sources.


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I'd say I'm disappointed, but I'm really not. I knew this was basically how this was going to play out. I've already been called a paid shill, and stupid a handful of times today elsewhere, for not wanting to burn RedHat to the ground for this decision.

People need to get outside and touch some grass.

Your final sentence comes across as dismissive. I suppose you didn't mean it that way, but please be aware of the tone.

It was meant to be dismissive. Happy to clear that up for you.

How sad. I hope you feel better tomorrow.

I feel perfectly fine. I have no idea what you're on about.