Israel says it will ban UN staff after secretary general’s comments to World – 307 points –
Israel says it will ban UN staff after secretary general’s comments

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It is important to … recognise the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum. The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation

This is the statement they're doing this over? It seems pretty tame. What the fuck Israel?
Is it because Gaza was blockaded but not occupied at the time of the attack?

Erdan has already demanded Guterres’ resignation and described his remarks as blood libel.

That's not what blood libel means.

Pointing out that Palestinians have been treated like dirt for half a century is the same thing as claiming Jews drink kids’ blood, don’t be thick.

That they have the audacity to say this shows how powerful a hold Zionists have in the West.

1-month ago:

"Jews controls the world sheeple!"

Fucking fruitcake...


You get fired for saying anything remotely fair about Palestine. Look at the backlash in the fields of law, banking and entertainment.