For some reason, I'm doubtful.

Flying Squid@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy – 942 points –

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You conveniently blocked the part of the sticker saying what they mean by "never obsolete" with the red circle. IIRC, they gave you a massive discount to trade in your computer every 2 years for the latest model, so you were always up to date. Kinda like phones now.

Exactly. It was also that trade in program that was their undoing.

Every "trade in and get the latest" has always failed imo.

Either the company ends up being bankrupt. Or the company realizes they really f'd up and the upgrade ends up costing more than had I just bought it flat out on sale.


I was part of a few of them over the last 10 years. Phones. Tablets. Laptops. Tvs. I did it because I always thought this time, it'll work out.

Still a total lie to say that this computer is never obsolete.