X adds video calling — and lets strangers ring you: Turned on by default, tool lets anyone you follow potentially call you up

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to Technology@lemmy.world – 524 points –
Twitter adds video calling – and lets strangers ring you

X adds video calling — and lets strangers ring you: Turned on by default, tool lets anyone you follow potentially call you up::Turned on by default, tool lets anyone you follow potentially call you up


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OS X already exists...it's just renamed to macOS these days

I'm pretty sure that was the joke

Well it's hard to tell sarcasm online, especially when no steps to convey tone or articulation have been added to the text formatting.

I apologize, in the future I will demarcate all jokes with XML joke tags.

Or, you know, instead of pulling a straw man simply italicize part of the comment to emphasize sarcasm...

I get that you have a hard time recognizing jokes and non-literal language, and I really do sympathize, but it's unreasonable to expect everyone to change the way they write. Realistically, it's just not going to happen. Your options are to accept that you will frequently misunderstand people or try to level up your reading comprehension.