For people who switched to winter time last night, should we end this? to [Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual – 151 points –

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Ah makes sense, even weirder that we do it on different days.

What's the public sentiment like in the EU, are people close to dropping it?

It's being discussed but there's no agreement yet. The main debate is over whether to choose the same one (summer vs winter) for the whole EU. If we do, countries at the geographic extremes like Spain vs Finland will get shafted. If we don't and allow each country to pick one (or a completely new timezone even) we could end up with weird fragmented time zones where neighboring countries are all over the place.

We do agree for the most part that it needs to be dropped.

Obviously I can't talk for everyone, but I have seen some shows and such on tv or on the internet in favour of dropping it. It would make sense to me as well, but it's not actively discussed politically afaik. I'm in the netherlands fyi.

The EU voted to drop it. It just hasn't actually happened yet. I think the last change was supposed to be in 2020 but a global pandemic got in the way.