Does anyone know of a way to see posts/comments made by people you follow? to /kbin – 3 points –

Does anyone know of a way to see posts/comments made by people you follow?



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For posts, you just need to go to subs and then microblog. Unless you mean threads, in which case I think they will show up on the main subs view (although I haven't tested this). Comments I don't think show up in subs - it only shows threads. If you go to their profile you can see them though. Maybe a feature request to add a Comments section to the top header?


I actually mean both posts and threads, and any other content the people I follow may create.

I'm wondering what is the point of following people on kbin.

So you can see what they post and boost! It's possibly more for following Mastodon accounts, so you'll see these in the microblog. Following kbin users from Mastodon works well too, you'll see all threads, posts and comments.

@chris Thanks, but I'm still confused. Where in kbin do I see what they post and boost?