Far-right minister: Nuking Gaza is an option, population should ‘go to Ireland or deserts’

sirboozebum@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 232 points –
Far-right minister: Nuking Gaza is an option, population should ‘go to Ireland or deserts’

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Eliyahu also voices his objection during the interview to allowing any humanitarian aid into Gaza, saying “we wouldn’t hand the Nazis humanitarian aid,”

you are the Nazis at this point mate.

The Nazis never had nukes or the backing of the United States. They didn't have a state religion. They weren't dispatching military assets to settle their neighboring territories. Zionism is worse than naziism.

They weren't dispatching military assets to settle their neighboring territories.

What exactly do you think happened in the Western Front in WWII?

Also the Eastern Front. And Czech lands. The Sudetenland. Austria.

It's like, the thing that they did.

They didn't have a state religion, but not for lack of trying. Most of Germany was Christian in some way, and that was exploited by the Nazis, but they generally wanted their people to be Nazis first and anything else second. If Nazi Germany had continued, I'm sure Nazism would have been the state religion.

They weren’t dispatching military assets to settle their neighboring territories

So, what exactly would you call what they did during WW2? I'm with you on everything else you said, but this statement makes me think you know very little about history.