The Aliens did a little trolling

Striker@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy – 1012 points –

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What was the symbol used for "none"?

I guess you don't get any symbol and are now considered as the morally superior group, which will then use it to gain power and proceed to oppress the others.

I'd reckon it'd go the other way as they'd probably be in the minority.

I guess you don’t get any symbol and are now considered as the morally superior group, which will then use it to gain power and proceed to oppress the others.

Either that, or everyone with symbols would work together and gang up on you for not having a symbol.

The unmarked will be slaves

The unmarked will be slaves

Before it came to that though they'd be able to put yellow :-) stickers on their foreheads, confuse everyone else, and make their escape while the others debate what to do.

Because they hate evey other race so they couldn't decide before time was up.