Deluge not uploading to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ – 10 points –

Used to sail the high seas in the days of TPB and Demonoid (when they were still good). Started again recently with a servarr stack with Deluge on docker but didn't realize it wasn't seeding properly and now my torrentleech ratio is in grave danger.

What might I be missing in my network config? Docker has all ports exposed and Deluge has uPnP enabled. Downloads work just fine and torrents periodically connect to peers but nothing ever actually uploads.


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This seems to be the thing. Thank you!

Glad I could help! Most of my TL ratio comes from the seeding time point system, but all of the torrents I have real ratio on are freeleech TV boxsets (which I find TL is pretty generous about providing). Seeding large-file-size torrents gives a bonus to the points generated, so if you have the space and find yourself gaining points too slowly to bring your ratio where you want it, I'd recco nabbing a few of those boxsets to seed long term as well.

Definitely gonna have to lean on that myself as well. Already looking at a few of the big freeleech farms- I don't have infinite space but there's always room for a couple hundred gigs of Studio Ghibli lol