Gaming on Fedora Silverblue to Linux – 26 points –

I am freaking out on how well distrobox is working for me. I buy a lot of games on and GOG, and neither have a flatpak. However, installing an Ubuntu container (max compatibility) and launching games from there just works. Okay, I have yet to install a GOG game, but it the Itch client works then what won't?

I am so excited. Containers are so fun. I guess arch would be easier, but whatevs.


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Also, what is nice about this somewhat failed experiment is that it was easy to just rm the container and everything went with it.

Yeah, I am not going back to regular linux.

Yup, it's absolutely lovely. Did you experiment with a custom home directory for your distrobox yet?

Not yet! I was surprised that home directory is shared across containers, but it makes sense when the system is the problem, not the files in home. Still, it is nifty to keep certain environments separated.