Why Is Mike Johnson Flying a Christian Nationalist Flag Outside His Office?

Captain_Patchy@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 415 points –
Why Is Mike Johnson Flying a Christian Nationalist Flag Outside His Office?

House Speaker Mike Johnson has three flags hanging outside his office: the American flag, the Louisiana state flag, and a flag representing a movement that wants to turn the United States into a religious Christian nation.


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Why is it that the article is about this flag, but doesn't have a picture of the flag. This is more upsetting than it should be.

Exactly my thought. Entire point of the article is a flag outside his office. The article does not contain a picture of said flag, none of the links in the article that I have followed contain pictures of said flag.

Probably because the flag looks like a toddler made it and it's not intimidating at all even though the implications behind it are very serious.

Seriously, this is journalistic malpractice. If it’s right outside the guys office then it should be easy enough to take a photo. I don’t need a flag to know this guy is bad news but I’m not gonna jump on the outrage wagon over an article with no photo.