SpaceX worker injuries rise as Elon Musk accelerates Mars mission, report says to – 282 points –
SpaceX worker injuries rise as Elon Musk accelerates Mars mission, report says

SpaceX employees have put their lives on the line to meet the aggressive pace of work that Chief Executive Elon Musk has demanded in pursuit of a Mars mission, according to a Reuters investigation.

The report documented over 600 previously undisclosed workplace injuries at SpaceX facilities since 2014, which Reuters said are only a part of the total number that is not publicly available.

Reuters examined injury logs and public records from the company’s six biggest facilities. SpaceX had not reported much of the injury data previously, in violation of regulatory standards. The investigation also included interviews with dozens of current and former SpaceX employees.

Among the injury data that Reuters gathered, over 100 workers experienced cuts or lacerations, 29 broke or dislocated bones, 17 had their hands and fingers crushed and nine had some form of serious head injury.


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The unsafe workplace environment is a result of Musk’s view that SpaceX is on the front lines of saving humanity from a deteriorating planet, workers told Reuters.

It takes a special kind of dumb to think Mars would be easier to terraform than Earth.

the front lines of saving humanity from a deteriorating planet

The front lines of saving himself and his rich friends from a deteriorating planet.

What?? You mean he's not planning on taking all of us?? Gasp! Splutter!

Tbh packing all the sociopaths on a rocket and blasting them to mars is the best chance of survival humanity has

Don't even need to spend too much effort making sure you hit the target.

Is he calling the new colony "Rapture" by any chance?