But its the only thing I want!

The Picard Maneuver@startrek.websitemod to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 905 points –

(sorry if anyone got this post twice. I posted while Lemmy.World was down for maintenance, and it was acting weird, so I deleted and reposted)


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What, is it illegal to know how to make meth?

It's not illegal to know. OpenAI decides what ChatGPT is allowed to tell you, it's not the government.

It got upset when I asked it about self-trepanning

I had a very in depth detailed "conversation" about dementia and the drugs used to treat it. No matter what, regardless of anything I said, ChatGPT refused to agree that we should try giving PCP to dementia patients because ooooo nooo that's bad drug off limits forever even research.

Fuck ChatGPT, I run my own local uncensored llama2 wizard llm.

Can you run that on a regular PC, speed wise? And does it take a lot of storage space? I'd like to try out a self-hosted llm as well.

It's pretty much all about your gpu vram size. You can use pretty much any computer if it has a gpu(or 2) that can load >8gb into vram. It's really not that computation heavy. If you want to keep a lot of different llms or larger ones, that can require a lot of storage. But for your average 7b llm you're only looking at ~10gb hard storage.

I have an AMD GPU with 12gb vram but do they even work on AMD GPUs?

Yeah, if it was illegal to know wikipedia would have had issues