more and more news sites are pushing for paywalls even reuters now here are some sources that don't have pay walls and Npr *mentions* paywall in their own new pop-up?

rob299@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to – 220 points –

also feel free to comment your own suggestions for news sites for tech updates that don't pay wall on the web page.

New York times - abc -

the hill - BBC news -

while nonprofit Npr doesn't pay wall, they have a new pop up that says something along the likes of "expected a paywall not our style please donate" that the user can dismiss and continue browsing the site.

Reuters use to be a good source for me untill they started pay walling after a small amount of news article reads.


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As if I care :). The web is wide. I can wait whilst reading something else more usefull or waisting my time elsewhere, till all those newly paywall'ed (or accountwalled just to read) sites would want me (and other lost users) back and get rid of their paywalls.

as you say this big companies in recent times have been working on making the web less wide, and less accessible mostly for independent sites. search engines hide sites, sometimes Playstore will take down apps. I think this is a small issue slowly turning into a big issue. and a small handful that own a bunch of the sites you commonly see will take advantage of the changing landscape.

If content providers and content sindication web companies will become profitable, that means other companies will want a pie too and the new web sites will start to appear. Also, it means that there is a profitable niche in this particular kind of content type trafic. And so, anyone can start a website with that content small and try to grow. The more paywalls on old established ones, the better the chances of the new ones, (or for unpaywaled again, old ones) replacing them.