How to create a decentralized kind of wiki? to No Stupid – 37 points –

I keep feeling frustrated as valuable knowledge for my different hobbies over the last years became siloed away in corporate social media. I believe wikis could be a way out, but can we have decentralized, federated wiki software that can kind of talk among each other?


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I think what you’re suggesting already exists. Take a look at SearXNG:

I'm looking for something more federated like IPFS/Lemmy where I can run an indexing node that crawls the systems my group cares about and federates the dataset out.

Is there an explanation for stupid of how SearXNG works? I tried it for a while after getting too frustrated with the Google enshittification, but couldn't get results really.

It's considered a meta search engine. Basically it queries a bunch of different search engines at once and then aggregates the results.