DDoS attack takes down Blender.org servers.

βΈ» Ban DHMO πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί βΈ»@aussie.zone to Technology@lemmy.world – 128 points –
DDoS attack takes down Blender.org servers.

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Attacking the Blender foundation is honestly a new low. There is no "lulz" and nothing to gain

This is most likely a demo from someone selling access to their botnet.

At least ddos some subsidieray from facebook or something that has not a lot of attention than a FOSS app :(

Honesty, it might help Blender. More press covering a FOSS app and you have to know about something to try it out.

Fair point. Poor sysadmins trying to get the infrastructure back (assuming they have actually dedicated tech staff)