PSA: every interaction you make with various posts on kbin is viewable to everyone. to /kbin – 156 points –

If you click on the "more" button under a comment or link there will be an activity tab. In this tab you can see everyone who has boosted, favourited or reduced the post. I'm not sure if this a
Is a good feature but it's interesting to see when someone decides to reduce all of your content for no reason.


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I understand, but it also makes it a lot more difficult to quickly make trolling and spam disappear.

I think the Lemmy instances that disable downvotes are also the instances that have more heavy-handed policies and moderation. They're essentially centralizing moderation to the admins and mods rather than relying on community self-policing through downvotes.

That's a very excellent point and shows the necessary trade-off to make that work.