You can boil water with water by using the electricity from hydro power to power your kettle. to – 170 points –

You have probably done it without even noticing. The modern world is clearly miraculous.


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No, I can't. I don't have a kettle, and my stove operates on gas.

I don't have a kettle

What sad, depraved lives Americans live

It's not like we can't buy kettles if we want. I just have no use for one.

I just have no use for one.

What sad, depraved lives Americans live

I own an electric kettle and I boil my water in the microwave!

(Watch this brit go insane over microwaved water.)

Sorry, I'm having trouble formulating a response with my entirely blown mind.

Scum, sub-human scum.

Besides the kettle is only for hot chocolate! You fill it up, put swissmiss in it and turn it on!

wtf? You bought a kettle for swiss miss. Heresy! Only tea should go in kettles, everybody knows that.

Got it, I'll try putting Arnold Palmer half & half in it next time.