GotoPreview commands not working in Rust with Effective Vim Kickstart to Open – 15 points –
Effective Neovim: Instant IDE

I am trying to use the setup using the kickstart, and I noticed that gd ( [G]oto [D]efintion ) was not working. So I implemented goto-preview (, and setup like recommended however, the commands (i.e. gpd and gpt) still don't work.

I've implemented rust-analyzer using Mason.

Typing gp and waiting brings up the hints for all the Goto * commands, so I know those parts are set up correctly.

Anyone else having this issue?


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So apparently, it does work but not on all content. Doesn't work on HttpServer, and other content in same file but did work on definitions in other files.

Just some things I need to understand better.

Looks like Rust-Analyzer will take some time to "load". Some content will load. I needed to use [g]oto-[p]review [D]eclaration instead of [d]efinition.

Some content still does not work on any goto-preview command.

Ok, so most seems to work so far now. Just that HttpServer doesn't work with a goto-preview (The app works when running so the all the codebase definitions are rooted). The issue I run into now is that sometimes when going to a definition and then closing that window causes the whole NeoVim session to close.

I'll try to debug at some time.