'Morale is at an all-time low': Ex-Googler writes scathing latter slamming layoffs and 'eroded' culture

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to Technology@lemmy.world – 742 points –
'Morale is at an all-time low': Ex-Googler writes scathing letter slamming layoffs and 'eroded' culture

'Morale is at an all-time low': Ex-Googler writes scathing latter slamming layoffs and 'eroded' culture::An ex-Googler wrote a 1,500-word letter criticizing the firm and CEO Sundar Pichai's lack of "visionary leadership."


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That will happen when the market is in the shitter

Imagine thinking the issue is some imaginary concept like "the market", rather than 20 years of poor leadership.

Imagine thinking "the market" is an imaginary concept that doesn't influence your business 🤦

Considering my higher education on the subject, I'll take my chances with that.

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Employer can still make good decisions with the market in the shitter.

Monopolies don't need to create value for the user to keep their leadership

If the market wasn't fucked they wouldn't need to have good leadership, they'd do it or die

The market is not fucked though. Google is massively profitable and had 11% growth this quarter, which tracks with their 11% increase in revenue YOY

So the employees can’t be negatively affected by the state of their workplace unless the goddamn market is fucked?

How dumb can you possibly be?

Not dumb enough to get mad about things no one said.

You see the problem here is that lives are not disposable. Taking all the risks and making the people suffer the consequences is really shitty. I if they instead focused on steady growth rather than giant leaps, nobody would get laid off. Layoffs are a sign of incompetence from leadership

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