Slow sab tips? to – 7 points –

I recently moved from a non docker ubuntu 18.04 setup to a full docker 22.04 setup. I used to get a pretty consistent 95-105 MB/s in sab. I can't seem to get more than 70 MB/s in my new setup. Both my usenet providers are setup the same and using 50 connections. I'd love to blame docker, but thought i see if anyone here has seen this as well. Any suggestions on what to look at?


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This could be the I/O overhead caused by docker while using NAT networking:

That's a large penalty, wow.

It's huge for networking. VPN gateway (for accessing the VPN WAN over LAN) on the host is 20-40% faster than dockerized...

I'm using NAT for sure. All my containers are on a different subnet than the host.

The article your linked is citing a paper from 2014. Seems hard the believe the network stack hasn't been significantly reworked in 10 years. That being said I don't have anything to refute this.

Does the above still apply if using a glutun VPN docker with other containers connecting directly to glutun?