What is everyone getting this Steam sale?

Cmar@lemmy.world to Steam Deck@sopuli.xyz – 361 points –

I was looking at getting some roguelikes / lites (already have ToME, CoQ), unfortunately Cataclysm DDA is not on sale.

Krone Hotel at 90% off looks like a decent choice too. Then there’s Jupiter Hell, which I recently stumbled upon and looks great too.

I’d also like to get some of the FF games, though I’ve played VI, VII, IX and a bit of XII, it would be nice to revisit some of the older ones I haven’t played almost since the PSX era.


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I snagged Elden Ring and all the souls games

you may be able to find them for a few bucks cheaper on isthereanydeal.com

Thinking about picking up elden ring, my backlog is the only thing making me doubt it, have so many games to get caught up on.

definitely feel you on that one, just got it cause it was under 40 it’ll probably be on my backlog for awhile as the DLC is supposed to come out next year I think

Same. History has shown me that it's better to skip if you don't want to play it immediately. It will come to sale again with steeper discount.