UK spends more financing inequality in favour of rich than rest of Europe, report finds to World – 244 points –
UK spends more financing inequality in favour of rich than rest of Europe, report finds

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You mean, the country that still has Lords, Ladies, Barons, Dukes, Dutchesses and a Royal Family are.... financially classist ?????

I don’t think that that is related really. They are effectively just rich people who pass on generational wealth.

It’s probably more to do with more than a decade of conservative government.

I don’t think that anyone would argue that the US isn’t financially classist.

Lmfao, who do you think runs the government? (Hint: go read up on what some of those titles actually mean)

I’m not saying that they don’t have influence but the titles are pretty meaningless compared to the generational wealth.

Again, the US has the same situation and they don’t have titles.