Laptop not working after installing nimdow to – 21 points –

I have installed nimdow window manager. I have auto-login enabled. Nimdow is the default option. The only options I have at boot are (from the bootloader): default, timeout, edit, resolution, print and help (help is not working). How am I supposed to go back to GNOME or disable auto-login? I tried accessing the recovery shell, but I can't access it by spamming escape. Someone PLEASE help. Google Bard is useless.


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If the computer boots but you can't access a GUI, use Ctrl+Alt+F3 to open a console. From there you can use nano to edit the login manager configuration. If you had GNOME installed, your login manager is probably GDM, and its config should be at /etc/gdm/daemon.conf, according to the manual. If that is the case, it looks like you should erase the username under the entry "AutomaticLogin=".

Thank you! The Linux community is the best! I will not regret switching to Linux

Just be ready to have to lean on the community a lot to begin with

I don't mind leaning on a community that helps me within 15 minutes of making a post and is just generally so helpful