Your Essential Food Books? to Food and – 2 points –

For those of you with a cooking/food writing/food science collection, what's indispensable? What do you currently find yourself returning to again and again?

For me, Nikki Segnit's "Flavor Thesaurus: A Compendium' and Flavor Thesaurus: More Flavors are both in there, along with The Noma Guide to Fermentation, Koji Alchemy, and *Burma: Rivers of Flavor." Oh, and Sercarz's *Spice Companion."

For food writing, I'm always happy to dip into some M.F.K. Fisher.


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We go back to Jerusalem by Yotam Ottolenghi a lot. Also latley The Flavor Equation by Nik Sharma.

Yeah, love Ottolenghi — he had a nice piece in NYT recently, referencing Segnit, actually. I need to find a copy of the Sharma, sounds like.