Bad Bots Account for 73% of Internet Traffic: Analysis

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 201 points –
Bad Bots Account for 73% of Internet Traffic: Analysis

Bad Bots Account for 73% of Internet Traffic: Analysis::undefined


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The top five categories of Bad Bot attacks are fake account creation, account takeovers, scraping, account management, and in-product abuse.

Is it just me or is this article trashy. It lists scraping as bad and suggests it's immoral. It also lists account management as bad.

I got a feeling powers that be will attempt to make scrapping illegal under the guise of AI fears. I don't imagine that many companies like scrapers that collate prices of their products into a website that let's people compare prices against other stores. I don't imagine the real bad actors like scrapers that archive internet content into things like the way back machine. It makes it harder to delete that late night drunken rant, the poor PR choice or the political flip flopping or makes it easier to capture real bad activities in the act before they delete their activity after lighting fires everywhere

yeah they arent complaining about specific bot activity, its bots existence in general. someone is sloppily pushing a narrative

Never happen. SEO is a billion dollar industry