Using Linux for the first time

! to – 32 points –

I'm going to replace my host os on my shitty laptop with Linux specifically puppy Linux or alpine Linux from scratch and I need to know how will I get started and make it easier for myself, I use a HP notebook 540


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Heck ya to Fedora, glad to see it recommended for a first time user. It's not much more difficult than Mint, but you can also get into the weeds instead of having to find a new distro after Mint. Mint basically has permanent training wheels, while with Fedora you can pop em off whenever it's convient.

Edit: Fedora is also a more up to date Alpine and it's not directly controlled by Red Hat.

Fedora is also Wayland only, which I wouldn't recommend to a newbie with an old laptop.

The KDE spin has x11, KDE is my go to DE everytime. So assumed that layer I guess.