Businesses can discriminate against their customers? Alright then... to Malicious – 2103 points –

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I mean - there are protected classes, right? You can't say "no whites" or "no Jews", I'm not a religious man - but where's the line between a political ideology and a religious one?

Or am I totally mistaken and this is completely permitted in the states?

That kind of discrimination is generally illegal, even after the recent supreme court case.

What the ruling says is that some kinds of business, such as designing a website, decorating a cake, or writing a song, for example, are considered speech. In those cases the right of the designer/decorator/songwriter to control their speech takes precedence.

However, this doesn't mean you can kick someone out of your restaurant for being Jewish or refuse to make a non-marriage related website because a client is gay. It's only cases where speech is involved.

The difference is that you can't choose your skin color, but you can't choose your beliefs in a different way.