Chrome’s next weapon in the War on Ad Blockers: Slower extension updates to – 259 points –
Chrome’s next weapon in the War on Ad Blockers: Slower extension updates

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More people should use firefox

Honestly we just need more options in terms of web engines

I'd already be happy if we still have the ones we have today in ten years.

Yup, there's 3-4 active ones, depending on how you count it (more if you count toy projects):

  • Blink - Chrome
  • WebKit - Safari
  • Gecko - Firefox
  • KHTML - Konqueror, discontinued this year in favor of WebKit

So essentially three, though Blink is a fork of WebKit, so kinda 2.5.

I switched to Firefox not too long ago, the only place I can't replace chrome is my Chromebook. I can't find a good Firefox copy, tried using both android and Linux versions but it loses alot of controls functionality (eg grestures on the trackpad)