How do I stop my cats from eating my plants? to Ask – 67 points –

Really, how can I stop them from eating my plants? Some don't have leaves anymore. They are not even edible. They are even biting the cacti for some reason.

I put the plants out of reach and that only made them figure out new ways to reach higher furniture.



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I can't stop my cat from doing anything. So I just don't buy plants anymore.

My cats are really smart. They know exactly what the word "No!" means.

Unfortunately, their definition is of "no is something like "only do this when the human isn't looking"

Cats know you don't want them to do something. But they also know that they want to do that thing... See the problem?

Mine only do these things for attention. We try to encourage positive behaviors for getting our attention, but there are times we can't pay attention to them and they hate that. I love those spoiled brats, but they can get frustrating. Especially if the game you're playing can't be paused or you have your hands full at work (from home).