Tesla Whistleblower Says 'Autopilot' System Is Not Safe Enough To Be Used On Public Roads

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Tesla Whistleblower Says 'Autopilot' System Is Not Safe Enough To Be Used On Public Roads

Tesla Whistleblower Says 'Autopilot' System Is Not Safe Enough To Be Used On Public Roads::"It affects all of us because we are essentially experiments in public roads."


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Skimping on cost is how disasters happen. Ask Richard Hammond. "Spared no expense" my ass, hire more than 2 programmers, you cheap fuck.

Edit: This was supposed to be a Jurassic Park reference, but my dumb ass mixed up John Hammond and Richard Hammond. That's what I get for watching Top Gear and reading at the same time.

Were Richard Hammond’s many crashes a result of cost skimping? If so, I had no idea. Could you elaborate?

I was under the impression that Hammond’s serious crashes were a combination of bad luck and getting a bit too spicy when driving in some already-risky situations. I, too, would appreciate some corroboration.

Same here. I did a little googling and can’t find any corroborating evidence, but I also learned that Hammond’s Grand Tour insurance premiums are now more expensive than Top Gear’s budgets were for entire specials.

That has to be the real reason they've canceled Grand Tour

I mean… given that he has had two very well documented and life-threateningly catastrophic crashes in the course of making car shows… the insurance company underwriting his policies isn’t out of line.

I figured insuring him would be expensive, but it’s more the magnitude of his premiums that shocked me.

As someone who hasn't much watched Top Gear, I was cracking up at your Jurassic Park reference until I saw your edit and was like "Wait a minute."

Top Gear? Jurassic Park? Either way: Hold on to your butts.
